Event and Appearance Dates, March 29-June 4:
I’m thrilled to have a number of appearances these next couple months, with even more in the works!
• With Colleen O’Doherty and Fernando Montejano 3/29-31 at Lawrence-Nelson Secondary School in Nelson, Bruning-Davenport Middle School in Davenport, Fairbury Jr. Sr. High School, and Thayer Central High School in Hebron and these 2 public events:
o 3/30, 7pm: Reading at the Red Cloud Opera House for the National Willa Cather Center – https://www.willacather.org/events/free-author-talk-nebraska-poetry-pen-pals…
o 3/31, 3:30pm: And appearing at the Blue Bison in Hebron.
• 4/1, 7pm: Reading at The Lark in Hastings for the release of the newest issue of Plainsongs.
• Appearing at Central Community College in Grand Island and Columbus on 4/3 and 4.
• 4/6-8, One of the featured poets at the Poetry Palooza! in Des Moines – https://www.poetryamp.org/poetry-palooza
• 4/11, noon and 7pm: Teaching a writing workshop and doing a reading as part of the Kearney Public Library’s Poetry Series – https://kearney.events.mylibrary.digital/series?si=&sn=poetry
• Appearing at Marian High School on 4/14.
• Appearing at Summerland High School on 4/24.
• Working with students from Platteview Central Jr. High on 4/26.
• 4/26, 6:30pm: Emceeing the NEA Big Read Slam Poetry Event at the Norfolk Arts Center.
• Teaching workshops at House of Hope Assisted Living and at Pacific Springs starting in May.
• Appearing at South Platte Schools in Big Springs on 5/2.
• Appearing at Disney Elementary in Omaha on 5/4.
• 5/12, 4pm: Reading a poem at the Nebraska Writing Project’s Poetry of Place celebration at the Nebraska State Capitol.
• 5/18, 7pm: Appearing at the Nebraska Cultural Endowment’s 25th Anniversary Celebration featuring US Poet Laureate Ada Limón at the Holland Performing Arts Center – https://nce25.org/
• 6/2-4, Keynote speaker and featured poet at Wyoming Writers Inc.’s annual Writers Conference in Cheyenne.
Thank you, Humanities Nebraska, Nebraska Arts Council, Nebraska Cultural Endowment, Mellon Foundation, and more for making events like these possible.