Order NOW (also available as an audio book):

Rock Stars, available now!

Event and Appearance Dates, March 29-June 4:

I’m thrilled to have a number of appearances these next couple months, with even more in the works!

• With Colleen O’Doherty and Fernando Montejano 3/29-31 at Lawrence-Nelson Secondary School in Nelson, Bruning-Davenport Middle School in Davenport, Fairbury Jr. Sr. High School, and Thayer Central High School in Hebron and these 2 public events:

o 3/30, 7pm: Reading at the Red Cloud Opera House for the National Willa Cather Centerhttps://www.willacather.org/events/free-author-talk-nebraska-poetry-pen-pals

o 3/31, 3:30pm: And appearing at the Blue Bison in Hebron.

• 4/1, 7pm: Reading at The Lark in Hastings for the release of the newest issue of Plainsongs.

• Appearing at Central Community College in Grand Island and Columbus on 4/3 and 4.

• 4/6-8, One of the featured poets at the Poetry Palooza! in Des Moines – https://www.poetryamp.org/poetry-palooza

• 4/11, noon and 7pm: Teaching a writing workshop and doing a reading as part of the Kearney Public Library’s Poetry Series – https://kearney.events.mylibrary.digital/series?si=&sn=poetry

• Appearing at Marian High School on 4/14.

• Appearing at Summerland High School on 4/24.

• Working with students from Platteview Central Jr. High on 4/26.

• 4/26, 6:30pm: Emceeing the NEA Big Read Slam Poetry Event at the Norfolk Arts Center.

• Teaching workshops at House of Hope Assisted Living and at Pacific Springs starting in May.

• Appearing at South Platte Schools in Big Springs on 5/2.

• Appearing at Disney Elementary in Omaha on 5/4.

• 5/12, 4pm: Reading a poem at the Nebraska Writing Project’s Poetry of Place celebration at the Nebraska State Capitol.

• 5/18, 7pm: Appearing at the Nebraska Cultural Endowment’s 25th Anniversary Celebration featuring US Poet Laureate Ada Limón at the Holland Performing Arts Center – https://nce25.org/

• 6/2-4, Keynote speaker and featured poet at Wyoming Writers Inc.’s annual Writers Conference in Cheyenne.

Thank you, Humanities Nebraska, Nebraska Arts Council, Nebraska Cultural Endowment, Mellon Foundation, and more for making events like these possible.

Newspaper article from my week in Alliance

“In the past when we’ve had artisan residents that bring in all sorts of instruments and they have been fantastic artists but Mr. Mason was just super personable,” said Grandview Elementary Principal Chris Bailey. “He was just so engaging. All he had was a note pad and all he did was talk about his travels and read his poems and the students just loved it. We’ve had some elaborate presentations but here was this guy that stood up there with his poems and he really resonated with them.

See the whole article by Kay Bakkehaug here: starherald.com/news/local/nebraska-state-poet-gives-local-students-lessons/article_51328048-9c3c-11ed-a42f-d75d07e7e948.html [There is a paywall, I can read the whole article with my phone but not on my laptop]

My Week in Alliance

It’s been a full, snowy, wonderful week in Alliance, Nebraska. I worked with 4th graders in three different grade schools and also was able to run out for readings at the Sidney Public Library and the Bridgeport Public Library. The week ended with a reading tonight in Alliance where a dozen of the 4th grade students joined me with poems they worked on this week. Thanks, Alliance Arts Council and Nebraska Arts Council for all you do to bring poetry around this great state!

4 Events Coming Up in the Panhandle

Next week, I’ll be in Alliance to work with 4th graders there, during which I’ll be doing readings around the area. Spread the word! (All times are Mountain Time)

  • Monday, 1/16, 6pm at the Sidney Public Library (1112 12th Ave, Sidney). 
  • Tuesday, 1/17, 5:30pm at the Bridgeport Public Library (722 Main St, Bridgeport).
  • Thursday, 1/19, 6pm at the Sioux County Public Library (182 W 3rd St, Harrison).
  • Friday, 1/20, 7pm at the Alliance High School Performing Arts Center (1450 Box Butte Ave, Alliance). This program is open to the public and tickets are available at Carnegie Arts Center, Redman’s Shoes or at the door.
And thank you, Alliance Arts Council and Nebraska Arts Council for making the programs in Alliance possible!

Read more at: https://alliancetimes.com/alliance-arts-council-to-host-state-poet/

2023 State Of The State Poet Address!

And now: Your 2023 State Of The State Poet Address. [Cue the trumpets!]

Hello, all! With just under 2 years left in my term as State Poet, I have to say how thrilled I am to be your poetry ambassador, visiting schools and communities to write poetry, listen to poetry, read poetry, and talk shop about poetry in schools, libraries, bars, theaters, street corners, coffee shops, living rooms, wherever you’ll have me.

In my project to participate in poetry events in all 93 Nebraska counties, I’m back to making progress (after an extended pandemic break) and have been honored to present at least once in 43 Nebraska counties so far. That leaves a lot to go, but as I made it to 31 counties during my first full year, I feel it’s going to happen (barring too many blizzards, ice storms, virus variants, and other such things).

This past year, I left my job leading the Nebraska Writers Collective (Who you should donate to RIGHT NOW as they are more amazing than ever) and am now working to make my living as a poet/speaker/etc.

How does that work? Good question… one I’ve been asking myself a lot. I’ve been granted time thanks to a fellowship from the Academy of American Poets which essentially pays me a salary for the next 6 months and I hope to extend that to, well, forever.

That time is being used to write, of course, but also to see if I can figure out this earning a living through commissioned poems, poetry readings, writing workshops, corporate trainings, book signings, giving talks, and more (both in Nebraska and around the country).

Over the past year, I’ve been commissioned to write several poems, facilitated a team building session for a board of trustees, appeared at schools, libraries, community events, and many others in Nebraska, California, Mississippi, South Dakota, and Washington. I hope for a lot more in 2023 so that I can keep doing the work I feel most talented at and excited by. So far, I have appearances lined up in about 10 Nebraska counties this spring as well as in Wyoming and Iowa.

Also this year, I published a new book: At The Corner of Fantasy and Main: Disneyland, Midlife and Churros from The Old Mill Press. What started as a project I wasn’t sure about turned into what might be my most meaningful book so far so I hope you’ll check it out: https://theoldmillpress.com/product/at-the-corner-of-fantasy-and-main-disneyland-midlife-and-churros/

As I move forward, please let me know if you would be interested in bringing me in, commissioning a poem, or know any agents, contacts at businesses, colleges, high schools, etc. who you’d recommend me to in Nebraska and beyond. I’ve thrown myself out into the universe this year and hope to make this work out.

And thank you to Humanities Nebraska, the Nebraska Arts Council, and the Nebraska Library Commission for making it possible for Nebraska to have a State Poet. Please follow and support them.

Here’s to a poetic 2023!

Matt Mason

Support Matt through Patreon at:

And buy his 4th book, At the Corner of Fantasy and Main: Disneyland, Midlife and Churros from The Old Mill Press: https://theoldmillpress.com/product/at-the-corner-of-fantasy-and-main/

Matt Mason is the Nebraska State Poet and has run poetry workshops in Botswana, Romania, Nepal, and Belarus for the U.S. State Department. His poetry has appeared in The New York Times and Matt has received a Pushcart Prize as well as fellowships from the Academy of American Poets and the Nebraska Arts Council. His work can be found in Rattle, Poet Lore, Prairie Schooner, and in hundreds of other publications. Mason’s 5th book, Rock Stars, was published by Button Poetry in 2023.